Canada’s Wonderland to Add Leviathan, A Giga Roller Coaster in 2012
leviathan-canadas-wonderland-2012-roller-coaster-4Canada’s Wonderland will be going big for 2012 with Leviathan a 306-foot tall monster of a roller coaster. Leviathan joins the park’s 2008 hyper coaster Behemoth giving the park a 1-2 punch of extreme size and speed akin to Cedar Point’s Magnum XL-200 & Millennium Force combo. Leviathan will be 76 feet taller than Behemoth and it will reach speeds of 90 mph. Its height qualifies it as a Giga coaster joining a small club of continuous circuit roller coasters in the 300 foot tall range that includes Kings Domionion’s Intimidator 305, Millennium Force at Cedar Point and Steel Dragon 2000 at Nagashima Spa Land.

Who knew that we’d see another giga coaster so soon after last year’s Intimidator 305? Like that roller coaster, Leviathan’s course seems to emphasize speed over airtime. With a top speed 90 mph, there’s sure to be plenty of speed to go around. The differetiantion is a good idea as Behemoth’s layout is packed with airtime hills while Leviathan appears to have only two. The image below shows Leviathan’s layout:leviathan-layout-canadas-wonderland-2012-roller-coaster

Bolliger & Mabillard  Reach New Heights
For years fans have wondered if we’d see a giga coaster from B&M. Some had even wondered if the company was capable of delivering one. A fan asked about rumored height limits of what B&M coasters during a Q&A session with Bob Mampe from B&M last summer at Carowinds’ CoasterStock. It wasn’t that the company was incapable of going higher, it’s probably more on the end of what the parks wanted. Mr. Mampe stated that while there was likely a height limit, they didn’t know what it was. Read more from the Q&A with Bolliger & Mabillard’s Bob Mampe.

My Take – Passport Please!
Canada’s Wonderland was already near the top of the list for parks that I’ve been meaning to visit. With announcement of Leviathan for 2012, I think it’s catapulted to number 1. With the addition of this massive coaster, Cedar Fair could be creating a Cedar Point north of the border. The Vaughan, Ontario, theme park will now boast 16 roller coasters putting it almost at Cedar Point and Six Flags Magic Mountain’s totals. Years ago, a Carowinds rep shared that Charlotte (Carowinds) and Toronto (Canada’s Wonderland) were the two metropolitan areas that Cedar Fair wanted to invest in as they were growth markets. Since then, we’ve seen that plan play out. Later this week, we’ll hear what Carowinds has planned for 2012 as well.

Check out these videos of Leviathan at Canada’s Wonderland:

Visit Canada’s Wonderland’s Leviathan mini site for more information.

What’s Your Take?
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49 responses to “Leviathan | Giga Roller Coaster Coming to Canada’s Wonderland”

  1. I saw the announcement a few days ago and I was completely blown away. I wasn’t expecting any park to recieve another giga coaster, especially from B&M. I’ve always wanted to go to Canada anyway!

  2. I was shocked too. I definitely didn’t see a giga coaster coming. I saw the announcement on Thursday, but I was too busy battling the issues that the site was having to write about it.

  3. Cannot wait for this one. But I was reading in another site that some people didn’t think Leviathan was originally meant for Canada’s Wonderland. Any ideas why?

  4. I love the thought that this probably won’t be the last B&M giga coaster. The next one might go to Knott’s, it seems to be the only major Cedar Fair park without a hyper coaster.

  5. Why does B&M's first GIGA have to be in a location that gets more snow than us here in Minnesnowta.

  6. Oh yea, I forgot about Michigan's Adventure and CGA. Xcelerator does go above 200 feet, although is a coaster called a hyper coaster simply if it goes above 200 feet or do they have to have hills? I don't really remember people saying SheiKra or Griffon were hyper coasters even though they reached the 200 foot limit.

  7. Xcelerator is launched, doesn't count. Great America will probably never get one as their neighbors bitch about everything and would throw a fit over something so large and Michigan's Adventure seems a bit too small a market to warrant one.

  8. I know where I'm going next year! I wasn't necessarily surprised by the announcement. with all the hyped up quotes on their website, once B&M track with mega coaster codes on the shipping label's started showing up that was my best guess. I've got high hopes with those comfy, out in the open seats of only complaint is the ending seems a bit abrupt and I really can't believe Cedar Fair still seems to refuse to build anything taller than Millennium Force outside the Point…

  9. GearHeart, KK & TTD are both launched coasters.

  10. Now the only thing holding me back is a passport!

  11. Wow. I am blown away. Like c c said this is so soon for another giga coaster! Maybe since these are such a success, more will be built. The six flags chain needs a giga coaster. I think that since this coaster is a B&M and has those comfy seats, it might be the best giga coaster out there. I dont know, I want to go to canada!

  12. I wouldn't count those either, giga/hypers are defined as having traditional lift hills.

  13. What about Michigan’s Adventure and California’s Great America? And technically Xcellerator’s Top hat stands 205 feet.

  14. I'm definitely intrigued, especially since I still haven't been on a Giga yet (plan on tackling both I305 and MF in 2012 though). I agree with Gearhart that the ending does seem a bit abrupt. Seems like it should have ended with a few bunny hops or something.

  15. Exactly what I was thinking.

  16. Because we got Behemoth in 2008, basically. People are trying to come up with reasons why we also got Leviathan, and I honestly don't think there's any "conspiracy" here.

    1) This was being planned since around when Behemoth was put in the park back in 2008.

    2) We're the highest attended seasonal park, and most agree that we have awful coasters aside from Behemoth and to a much lesser extent, Vortex. We needed another great one, and one that would draw crowds toward the opposite side of the park as Behemoth. Seriously, the side of the park Leviathan is going to be on is totally dead at the moment compared to Behemoth's side, and I can't blame people for staying on that side of the park… I do it too.

    3) I'm thinking Cedar Fair might be looking at this park as something of a potential Canadian Cedar Point, though they have a long way to go.

  17. this blew me away i was never expecting anything like this to ever come to CW this place is a very cool place ive been there b4 in 2009 i rode behemoth and i loved it it had spectacular airtime and amazing speed i also rode pretty much every other ride they had and what i think they would need for a new ride would be a major thrill ride huge im talkin big but im happy with this tho to me its amazing also how they can afford to install behemoth in 2008 windseeker in 2011 and this in 2012 amazing!!

  18. I'd been wondering what CF had planned with a 70m a year investment plan. Now we know: at least 1 huge coaster a year 😀 Sweeeet!

  19. does knots have the room?

  20. That's an awesome looking coaster. It's a giga(completely unexpected with Behemoth entering just a couple of years back), it's a B&M, and the name is awesome. Ugh! If only I had a passport!

  21. […] a video showcasing the ride’s elements: Read more of my thoughts on Leviathan at Canada’s Wonderland Post Published: 23 August 2011 Author: Joel Found in section: News […]

  22. Wow, this is amazing. I've needed a reason to go to the Toronto area, and now I have one. I absolutely love B&M coasters and I didn't think they would ever build a Giga, but they have proved me wrong. As Carowinds is my local park and we have 3 B&M's (Intimidator, Vortex & Afterburn), they could shock the world by announcing tomorrow that we were getting a B&M Giga down here as well, since B&M's do well in this park AND they just purchased 61 acres a few weeks ago…..just saying. I know i'm just shooting for the stars on this one, but i'm hoping Cedar Fair got a "Buy 2 Giga's" deal going on with B&M. I'd be happy with the rumored Huss Frisbee or the Windseeker as well…..either way, I will be renewing my Platnium Pass 🙂

  23. i never thought b&m would make a coaster over 300 ft tall

  24. Not to be a hater, but Im actually not all that impressed with this. I was by no means "blown away". What interests me about the ride is the drop (which looks stunning), and…thats about it. The layout is just too hypercoaster-ish to me. Now I still want to ride it and it looks pretty cool, but I doubt it will amount to Mellenuim Force or even Behemoth for that matter. B&M took it to the next level though so I think its a good move for them, but hopefully in the future their gigas will have a little bit better transitions…idk maybe itll itll be better when its made. Feel free to disagree this is jsut my opinion.

  25. I agree with you about the comfy seats on a giga itll be intersting however I do not agree with how you say itll the best giga out there. For one the transitions arent nearly as good as I305 (an amazing ride) and the airtime wont be much more than Millenium Force. It may be good though but I dont think its fair to compare it to Intamins gigas.

  26. Anybody else other than me feel that this is a waste of money? There were so many other coaster types to opt for… I mean, this coaster is both higher and faster than Behemoth, but it's shorter, less eventful and has less airtime and much worse landscaping. Plus, it's the same kind of coaster from the same company! SERIOUSLY, what about an Intamin (or even B&M) invert? A flyer? A Gerstlauer? A prefab woodie in replacement of one of the two that are already there?

  27. Judging by the animation, the two camelbacks on Leviathan looks to deliver much more air than those of Millennium Force. IMO I do think this coaster has the potential to be the best giga out there if it isn't trimmed to death.

  28. I'm thinking that the next ones will have more hills, this one couldn't because of Behemoth, so maybe you will like the next one.

  29. I do agree that it wasn't the best decision to install another B&M non looping coaster. An Intamin Blitz or a prefab woodie would've been a better addition for the park. However, isn't it a bit to early to say that it's less eventful than Behemoth? The ride hasn't even opened yet. Btw, lengthwise it's longer than Behemoth, and rather than focusing on traditional B&M hyper's repetitive rows of airtime hills, they obviously focused more on speed and pacing to try to differ from them. Locationwise it is better than Behemoth as well imo. Flying over the front entrance is gonna give people a very good first impression of the park, also the fact that the lift hill is located above dragonfire is gonna emphasize the height.

    It certainly isn't the best decision for the park, but I think the ride is going to be amazing regardless, perhaps the best B&M out there, and definitely not a waste of money.

  30. Canada's Wonderland is just about in my backyard so its fair to say this is my home park 😉 — and the name Leviathan is perfect for the Medieval Faire as it is a word from the old world and it also describes a water beast of tremedous SIZE.

    The only problem with this coaster is the following: its the shortest Giga-Coaster. If you time the ride from the point of acceleration at the top of the lift hill to the final break run, Leviathan is ONLY 50 seconds long!!!!

    Behemoth is 1minute, 10 seconds!!! Why is the park's hyper coaster longer than the Giga coaster????

    Steel Dragon is 1 min, 25 seconds, Millennium Force is 1 minute and approximately 10 seconds.

    Leviathan lacks what all the other Giga's have: a helix or two. Adding a pretzel-esque helix at the end would take the length of the ride up to at least 1 minute.

    That will be the biggest complaint: its over far too quickly.



  31. Maybe lets hope so, but in my opinion they should have just stuck with intamin. Their gigas are also cheaper btw Millenium Force was 20 mil and taller and longer and faster this one is 28 mil. Intimidaotr 305 is like 25 mil and longer and much better transitions!

  32. Think of it as the glass half full; its length is longer than Behemoth, but it has a shorter running time so therefore it will have much faster pacing 😉

    and you overlooked I305 which is about 300ft shorter than Leviathan.

    No other Gigas other than SD2000 have a helix, and adding a helix will make it look too similiar to Behemoth. It's no use adding an element that's already in the park.

  33. Millenium Force was built 10 years ago. Steel was much cheaper then. I305 is 300ft shorter than Leviathan which is where the extra 3mil comes from.

  34. I'm not 100% sure but I'm fairly certain that Minnesnowta (I hear that this is very true) is further north than Toronto?

  35. Behemoth has trim brakes which slow it down so its ride time will be longer than Leviathan's which has none.

  36. Yea you are right about that kudos! 🙂 +3 Buuut b&m rides are known to be a bit pricey. An intamin of the same stats would be less no doubt.

  37. So unfair…dorney gets no love. Steel Force and Talon are great, but because the park is small and has major height restriction policies, we get nothing super exciting anymore! What do we get? A THIRD inverted coaster, made by the hang n bang pros at Vekoma.

    Aw, I'm just kidding. I'm grumpy tonight. I've gotta get a passport because this looks like a lot of fun to me, and I have only done one giga (Millenium Force). I am super excited to see what B & M can do with a giga compared to Intamin.

  38. This will be the BEST new coaster of 2012…… I'm glad they went with another b&m as opposed to an intamin…….I truly believe that b&m's signature open-air seating will be the edge over the intamin gigas, based purely on the death-like feeling of vulnerability that these seats provide….this is why the writer of this site has deemed b&m's intimidator at carowinds as better than intamins i-305, as he explicitly states that the 211ft drop of the former is comparable and/or better than the 300ft drop of the latter….just imagine dropping 306ft at an 80 degree angle in B&M's open-air seats :O *DEAD* this lone fact could potentially make leviathan the world's best giga's… for the rest of the ride, we should all know too well that it's hard to judge those high speed turns on a simulated video without actually riding it……..

  39. It's very simple, you want air-time? Behemoth! Speed? Leviathan! Obviously, leviathan cannot have any of the same qualities as behemoth, now that would be a waste, but it doesn't, so I'm happy and cannot wait!

  40. They are kind of cornered in by streets but there is alot of land clearing behind Ghost Rider. If the ride went through out the entire park( even in the parking lot) It would probably be an awesome ride.

  41. If you go to, on the construction thread page 27, you can see the first drop and lift are almost done and the brake run is done.

  42. I just want to clear a few things up. It may seem like a 'simple' coaster but this ride is implementing some new technologies never seen in rides of this caliber. for starters, the chain system is built directly into the lift hill, meaning the chain moves through the supporting track. The way the first drop is designed, from a visual standpoint, on the way down you cannot see any structural steel holding the track up, giving you the feeling the track is floating in air. The main track box (square under box unique to B&M) is an actual support column to hold the lift hill up. see pic ( same thing goes at the bottom of the lift hill. Only two massive A-frame supports hold the entire 300+ feet.

    As for the break run, seems dull, but the sole purpose is mainly for maintenance on the trains. If the layout was any longer there would be more down time on the trains due to wheels etc wearing out. Never before has a B&M train traveled on course with such speed.

    In the long run B&M is always testing out new tech in their rides. I'm sure future B&M giga's will be even more outstanding. This ride will be amazing no doubt.

  43. It has been topped off and it looks great! I wonder if because the chain is going through the track if they will be able to make the chain go faster.

  44. At first I was a little dissapointed… dont get me wrong a B&M Giga is awesome!!… but the layout could've been better. Its built on what seems like a skinny piece of land so they didnt have much to work with, but still, maybe a better ending? However, now that the lift/drop is done, I'm sooo excited and I understand why Wonderland went with a giga rather than an invert or an intamin blitz…. that drop is so intimidating and HUGE!! (Yes, I know, thats what she said)

  45. I totally agree Steven. The ride ends going extremely fast way up high. They could add another half of the roller coaster at the end. What a huge waste of speed. The first half looks awesome…but what about the 2nd half that was omitted?

  46. this ride is amazing, just rode it one saturday for the first time! its worth the hour and half wait time!!!!!!

  47. They don't have that far to go.

  48. leviathan trains are not open air, watch some pictures of the train and you'll see. I don't know why B&M didn't use them in leviathan but maybe it is because behemoth already has open air trains…

    I also don't think leviathan is that good.

  49. Bill Robertson Avatar
    Bill Robertson

    That's exactly what I thought- MF and I305 seem more complete rides in that sense
